Musée de Lodève
Square Georges Auric
34700 Lodève
Tel : 04 67 88 86 10
Postal address and office address:
Communauté des communes de Lodévois et Larzac
Service musée
1, place Francis Morand 34700 Lodève
Email :
Click on what you want to do:
Study the collections
Borrow a work from the museum
Donate a work of art or a fossil to the museum
Become a patron (in French)
Arrange a visit for a group
Organize a visit or workshop for schoolchildren or children outside school hours (in French)
Request a press kit or a press visual (in French)
Contact the reception desk for any other requests.
The information you share with us will be used exclusively by the Musée de Lodève.
You have a right of access, modification, correction and deletion of data concerning you (“Information and Freedom” Law of January 6 1978)
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