René-Xavier Prinet, La plage à Cabourg, vers 1910
Online exhibition from 26 sep. 2020 to 28 feb. 2021

The Last Impressionists

An Epoch of Intimacy

This exhibition invites you to discover artists from the New Society of Painters and Sculptors, the most famous artistic fraternity of the Belle Époque and interwar periods. Often referred to as 'The Last Impressionists', its members shared a taste for intimacy, domestic scenes and a love of landscape. From 1895 to 1939 they met with public and critical acclaim and appeared in all major international exhibitions.


With 70 paintings and thirty drawings & lithographs, this touring exhibition is the first in France to accord this movement the recognition it deserves.

Edmond Aman-Jean, Jeune femme à l’écharpe jaune, vers 1901
André Dauchez, Les Brûleurs de goémon, 1931
Ernest Laurent, Nu avec fleurs, 1910
Charles Cottet, Port de Bretagne
From the maritime landscapes of Brittany to the pleasures of Belle Époque beaches, from urban & rural landscapes to virtuoso portraits, discover these 'intimiste' painters and breath in, as they did, the delicious scent of Impressionism.

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+33 (0)4 67 88 86 10

Postal address
1 place Francis Morand
34700 Lodève


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