Jean VEBER (1864 – 1928), Le Petit Poucet, 1920. Laine et soie H 2,65 x L5,51 m
Exhibition 2024-2025 from 19 oct. 2024 to 9 mar. 2025

Weaving imagination

Designed in partnership with the Mobilier national, the exhibition explores the notion of Imagination and Fantasy in the art of tapestry. Tales of imaginary adventures transposed, illustrations of fairy tales and fables, explorations of feelings and visions of the mind, representations of dream worlds, the exhibition shows the different forms that the imagination can take, depending on the artist and the period.
In this way, the exhibition invites visitors to explore imaginary worlds in both figurative and abstract forms, allowing them to disconnect for a while from the real world, and wander through an enchanted Elsewhere, combining ancient and modern tapestries.

André MASSON (1896-1987), Poursuite parmi les éclosions et les germinations, 1969-1970. Laine et soie, teinture synthétique H 2,98 x 4,35 m
Jean VEBER (1864 – 1928), Le Petit Poucet, 1920. Laine et soie H 2,65 x L5,51 m
Fernand LEGER (1881-1955) La Création du monde, 1962. Laine H2,85x3,96m
Jana STERBAK (née en 1955), En chemin vers Marseille, 2015 Laine H 2,50 x 3,28 m

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